Tork OptiServe toilet paper system saves time for facility managers and cleaning teams


Managers can use one coreless refill across an entire facility and in a range of dispenser options 
Tork, an Essity brand and global leader in professional hygiene, today launched Tork OptiServe®to improve efficiencies for facility managers and their teams and reduce environmental impact. The coreless toilet paper design creates much less waste compared to traditional systems1with cardboard or plastic cores, helping facility managers reach their sustainability goals. The toilet paper system also features a wide range of dispenser options. Each uses the same compact rolls without a core or outer wrap, meaning cleaning teams can use one solution across an entire facility. 
 Commercial facilities are complex. They usually have various types and sizes of restrooms and toilet stalls. Cleaning teams typically use multiple toilet paper refills to accommodate these different demands. In fact, 85% of facility managers currently use two or more toilet paper systems.2 However, 80% of facility managers2 would prefer to use one solution across the entire facility. Tork OptiServe has been designed to meet this need. One solution for the entire facility allows managers to optimize ordering, handling, and storing inventory. It also saves time for cleaning teams as they can use one refill type in restrooms across the facility. This reduces the number of trips needed to fetch a different type of toilet paper.
“Cleaning management gets complicated when different types of toilet paper solutions are required,” said Tomas Gandemo, Global Brand Innovation Manager for Tork. “Keeping several SKUs in stock means extra work, like training the staff on multiple systems, doing inventory checks, and managing ordering and handling. To guarantee high cleaning performance, facility managers need to equip their teams with efficient, reliable, and smart systems that are easy and fast to maintain. Refilling toilet paper dispensers should be one of the quickest and easiest tasks for cleaning staff, and if systems are easy-to-maintain, high-capacity and reliable, they can make a positive impact on the guest experience.”
Tork OptiServe dispensers are certified Easy to Use3 and designed for fast refilling. Refill packs with carry handles are made for easy ergonomic handling. The system’s compact roll is coreless, meaning it does not have a cardboard core, allowing for twice as many paper per roll.4 This means cleaning teams need to refill less often and paper is readily available for guests, helping to prevent run outs and associated service complaints. No core and no wrap also mean much less waste for cleaners’ to handle and discard. The system can help facility managers to reduce their businesses environmental impact as packaging waste is reduced by 89%.5 ECOLOGO and FSC® certified6 refills and certified carbon neutral dispensers are also available with the system.
Compared to traditional toilet paper, these compact rolls take up half the space on cleaning carts, in storage closets and during transportation, improving both efficiency and sustainability.7
To learn more about Tork OptiServe, please visit: and


1Tork Coreless SKU 472880 versus Tork conventional SKU 2461200 as compared to the packaging weight, which includes cores, wraps and cardboard box. 
2Based on a 2023 survey of 500+ facility managers, cleaning managers and other stakeholders in US and Europe.
3Certified by the Swedish Rheumatism Association. 
4Tork Coreless SKU 472880 (2-ply roll) is 333.3 ft long while Tork SKU 2461200 (2-ply roll) which is 156.3 ft long. 
5Tork Coreless SKU 472880 versus Tork conventional SKU 2461200 as compared to the packaging weight, which includes cores, wraps and cardboard box. 
6Valid for dispensers SKU 473200 and 473208 sold or leased as of OCT 2023. ClimatePartner certified product:
7Tork Coreless SKU 472880 versus Tork conventional SKU 2461200, comparing pack volume (ft3) per toilet paper net weight (lb).