Tork sustainable hygiene

Smart for business. Better for people and the planet.
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Tork hygiene solutions are efficient, accessible, and sustainable. Our solutions help you maximize your business performance by minimizing environmental impact. Our holistic lifecycle approach makes sustainable hygiene easier with a focus on 4 key areas: materials & packaging, use & waste, carbon, and hygiene for all. We think ahead so your business can thrive tomorrow.

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Tork Focus4 Sustainability

Access the Tork Focus4 Sustainability materials for a summary of product sustainability benefits, including carbon in use.

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Sustainable washroom

Sustainable washrooms use Tork products. Show off your commitment to sustainability with printable signs from Tork.

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Sustainable washroom products

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Carbon footprint data

Learn about: - Why carbon footprint “per use”? - What is included - Standards and guidelines


Selected Tork sustainable solutions

We think ahead to sustainability

Improve business performance with Tork sustainable hygiene management.