Studies & Collaborations

Reports, surveys and key partnerships
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Key actions for patients safety

How can innovations, behavioral change and advocacy opportunities improve patient safety and combat HAls? What do the experts say?
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Tork is a proud member of WHO:s POPS initiative

POPS (Private Organizations for Patient safety) was established by WHO in 2012 as an industry collaboration to advance improvements around safer healthcare globally. Members of POPS work collaboratively to minimize healthcare associated infections (HAls) and save patients' lives around the world, by improving uptake of WHO recommendations and increasing usage of hand sanitizers in healthcare facilities. Tork has been a proud member of POPS since 2015, and we are dedicated to contributing to safer healthcare around the world.
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80% of healthcare workers want better hand hygiene training

In a new survey of more than 1000 nurses and physicians, 6 in 10 would like hand hygiene to be given higher priority in their ward, and as many as 8 in 10 said they would like to receive better hand hygiene training.