Create a great office washroom experience
To reduce complaints, start where the impact is greatest: office washrooms, which account for over 45% of building complaints*. Tork offers sustainable hygiene solutions, helping to run washrooms well and efficiently.

- Washrooms

Switch to data-driven cleaning
Optimise your office cleaning - Tork Vision Cleaning uses real-time data so you only spend time cleaning and refilling when and where needed.
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Tork Product Finder: for a hygienic washroom solution
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Sustainable office: Tork PaperCircle
Discover how Tork can help you reach your sustainable office goals with the world's first paper hand-towel recycling service, which reduces total carbon footprint by 40% **.
*Statista: North America; Average across 2017 to 2021; 185 respondents; Building service contractors/commercial cleaning providers.
**Estimation based on a third-party verified life cycle assessment for EU average conditions, where avoided processes from alternative use of fresh fibres and energy were considered. Potential savings in kg CO2e is calculated based on the result from the life-cycle assessment and the collected weight reported to us. Estimate should not be used for carbon footprint calculations or reporting purpose