How to improve hygiene and cleaning at your facility

Explore the Tork Clean Care™ Programme. A hygiene programme designed to turn hygiene into better business in the workplace.
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Good hygiene is everyone’s business

The approach to hygiene and cleaning has changed for the long term with the pandemic. Going to the office, eating at a restaurant or attending an event will have everyone judging whether a space is clean and safe.
This means that the hygiene demands on your facility – from the main entrance to the washrooms – are higher than ever before. But it also means working together, because caring for good hygiene and cleanliness in the workplace is now everyone’s business. Explore our programme and you’ll find the solutions, tools and training for your industry or institution. 

Product recommendations

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Explore our hygiene training courses

Unlock the full potential of your staff. We can support you with our state-of-the-art educational programme. Explore a great interactive learning experience. 

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Hand hygiene and behavioral change

How can behavioral change play a role in hand hygiene and successfully create a sustained behavior? Does it really make a difference how to wash hands? Find out more here
